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The WebRTC Remote Panel Receiver COMP is a component that can be used to receive a TouchDesigner COMP's panel over a WebRTC connection from a matching WebRTC Remote Panel.

It requires a Palette:signalingClient COMP connected to a supported Palette:signalingServer COMP.

Before getting started with WebRTC, it is highly recommended to give a read to the introduction available on MDN web docs.

To get a better understanding of what is WebRTC in TouchDesigner, it is recommended to have a look at the WebRTC page and the webRTC COMP page.

The receiving end of the connection should be a WebRTC Remote Panel Receiver COMP or a web page designed to receive a WebRTC stream and a signaling client supporting TouchDesigner' Signaling API and signalingServer COMP.

Follow the setup guidelines from the page WebRTC Remote Panel COMP for a quick start.

This component can be replaced by a web page designer to receive a WebRTC stream and a signaling client supporting TouchDesigner' Signaling API and signalingServer COMP. A web based demo is available in the following repository as well as an online demo following this link.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:webRTCPanelRcv Ext

Parameters - WebRTC Panel Receiver Page

Active Active - Start or stop the webRTCPanelRcv.

Client Client - The client exposed by the signalingClient that you wish to connect with. Note: If a client is on the signaling session but not a webRTCPanel, connecting could potentially fail.

Connect Connect - Connect to the remote webRTCPanel.

Signaling Client Signalingclient - The signaling client with which this WebRTC COMP will subscribe to send or receive signaling messages.

STUN Server URL Stun - URL of the STUN server.

TURN Server URL Turn0 - URL of the TURN server. See WebRTC#ICE for more details regarding TURN.

TURN Username Username - Username for access to the specified TURN servers.

TURN Password Password - Password for access to the specified TURN servers.

Reset Reset - Reset the WebRTC COMP states and kill all ongoing peer connections.

Signaling API Version Signalingapiversion - The Signaling API version. When a signaling client is being used, the API versions of both the server and client should match.

Parameters - Logger Page

Enable Logging Enablelogging - Enable advanced logging features. Useful to debug and track the Signaling Server activity.

Log to File Logtofile - When enabled, logging messages will be written to a time rotated log file.

Log Folder Logfolder - Path to the folder in which the log files should be written.

File Rotation Filerotation - Number of backup files to be kept when rotating log.

Log to Textport Logtotextport - When enabled, logging messages will be displayed in the textport.

Log to Status Bar Logtostatusbar - When enabled, logging messages will be displayed in the status bar.

Log Level Loglevel - - Filter level of logging messages. The selected level is included as well as all levels above. I.e. if Warning is selected, Warning and Error messages will be included while Info messages will be excluded.

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Open Help page in external browser.

Version Version - The component version number.

.tox Save Build Toxsavebuild - The TouchDesinger build in which the component was last exported from.

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

Palette • Palette:arcBallCamera • Palette:arcBallGeometry • Palette:audioAnalysis • Palette:audioSet • Palette:battery • Palette:bitwigClip • Palette:bitwigClipSlot • Palette:bitwigDeviceRemotes • Palette:bitwigMain • Palette:bitwigNote • Palette:bitwigProjectRemotes • Palette:bitwigRemotesDevice • Palette:bitwigRemotesProject • Palette:bitwigRemotesTrack • Palette:bitwigSelect • Palette:bitwigSong • Palette:bitwigTrack • Palette:bitwigTrackRemotes • Palette:blendModes • Palette:bloom • Palette:camera • Palette:cameraBrowser • Palette:cameraViewport • Palette:camSchnappr • Palette:changeColor • Palette:changeToColor • Palette:checker • Palette:chromaKey • Palette:colorThreshold • Palette:compareComp • Palette:convolve • Palette:cornerPinSOP • Palette:cppParsTemplateGen • Palette:customAttributes • Palette:debugControl • Palette:dent • Palette:depthExtract • Palette:dilate • Palette:encoder • Palette:equalizer • Palette:feedback • Palette:feedbackEdge • Palette:firmata • Palette:gal • Palette:geoPanel • Palette:gestureCapture • Palette:graphPlot • Palette:histogram • Palette:hsvBlur • Palette:imageSearch • Palette:julia • Palette:kantanMapper • Palette:kinectCalibration • Palette:kinectPointcloud • Palette:leapPaint • Palette:lightTunnel • Palette:logger • Experimental:Palette:logger • Palette:mandelbrot • Palette:materialDesignIcons • Palette:mesh • Palette:monochrome • Palette:motionSense • Palette:movieEngine • Palette:moviePlayer • Palette:moviePlaylist • Palette:multiLevel • Palette:multiMix • Palette:noise • Palette:onScreenKeyboard • Palette:operatorPath • Palette:opticalFlow • Palette:particlesGpu • Palette:pixelate • Palette:pixelRelocator • Palette:pointGenerator • Palette:pointillize • Palette:pointMerge • Palette:pointRender • Palette:pointRepack • Palette:pointTransform • Palette:pointWeight • Palette:popDialog • Experimental:Palette:popDialog • Palette:probe • Palette:projectorBlend • Palette:pushPins • Palette:puzzle • Palette:quadReproject • Palette:radialBlur • Palette:recorder • Palette:remotePanel • Palette:rgbaBlur • Palette:rgbaDelay • Palette:rgbContrast • Palette:sceneChanger • Palette:search • Palette:searchReplace • Palette:sharpen • Palette:sickEngine • Palette:signalingClient • Palette:signalingServer • Palette:softenAlpha • Palette:solarize • Palette:sopRender • Palette:splitter • Palette:stitcher • Palette:stoner • Palette:superFormula • Palette:SVG • Palette:sweetSpot • Palette:sweetSpotPreviz • Palette:synchroCache • Palette:synchroClient • Palette:synchroFrameIn • Palette:synchroFrameOut • Palette:synchroNDIIn • Palette:synchroSDIIn • Palette:synchroVideoOut • Palette:tdBitwigPackage • Palette:TDVR • Palette:testGrid • Experimental:Palette:threadManagerClient • Experimental:Palette:threadsMonitor • Palette:transitMap • Palette:twirl • Palette:vectorScope • Palette:virtualFile • Palette:waveformMonitor • Palette:webBrowser • Palette:webRTC • Palette:webRTCPanel • Palette:webRTCPanelRcv • Palette:xyScope • Experimental:Thread Manager