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The bitwigSong COMP acts as a bi-directional interface for Bitwig's global transport; including timing, playback, and recording functionality. It also stores information about scenes and cues, and supports control for their playback

PythonIcon.pngPalette:bitwigSong1 Ext

Parameters - Bitwig Song Page

Project Name Projectname - A read only string providing the current Bitwig project name.

Play Play - Starts playback of the Bitwig timeline.

Stop Stop - Stops playback of the Bitwig timeline.

Restart Restart - Restart playback. If timeline is currently stopped, restart will return the play position to the start position and begin playback. If timeline is currently playing, restart will stop playback.

Play State Playstate - Indicates whether or not playback is currently active.

Record Record - Indicates whether or not recording is currently active.

Tempo Tempo - Provides the project's BPM (beats/quarter-notes per minute). Can be adjusted manually.

Tempo Tap Tempotap - Set the tempo manually by pulsing this parameter on the beat at the desired tempo.

Tempo Nudge Up Temponudgeup - Increase the tempo by one BPM

Tempo Nudge Down Temponudgedown - Decrease the tempo by one BPM

Signature Numerator Signaturenumerator - The number of beats per measure/bar.

Signature Denominator Signaturedenominator - - The time-subdivision used to define one beat in a bar.
  • 2 2 - one beat is a half note
  • 4 4 - one beat is a quarter-note
  • 8 8 - one beat is an eight note
  • 16 16 - one beat is a sixteenth note

Default Launch Quantization Defaultlaunchquantization - - Defines the project's default quantization for launching clips.
  • None None - No quantization, start clips immediately
  • 8 8 - Start clips at the next interval of 8 bars
  • 4 4 - Start clips at the next interval of 4 bars
  • 2 2 - Start clips at the next interval of 2 bars
  • 1 1 - Start clips at the next interval of 1 bar
  • 1/2 1/2 - Start clips at the next interval of 1/2 note
  • 1/4 1/4 - Start clips at the next interval of 1/4 note
  • 1/8 1/8 - Start clips at the next interval of 1/8 note
  • 1/16 1/16 - Start clips at the next interval of 1/16 note

Loop Enabled Loopenabled - Enables or disables looping playback

Loop Start Loopstart - Defines the start position of the loop in quarter-notes.

Loop Duration Loopduration - Defines the length of the loop in quarter-notes.

Cue Cue - The name of the desired cue marker to launch

Launch Cue Launchcue - Move the current timeline position to the chosen cue marker and start playback.

Jump To Prev Cue Jumptoprevcue - Move the current timeline position to the previous cue marker.

Jump To Next Cue Jumptonextcue - Move the current timeline position to the next cue marker.

Fraction Cue Fractioncue - The cue whose position will define the cueFraction channel in the output CHOP. The cueFraction amount represents the current play position divided by the cue position. Since Bitwig's timeline does not have a definitive end position, you can create a cue marking the end of a song, and set that cue as the Fractio Cue to get the song playback progress as a fractional value.

Scene Scene - The name of the desired scene to launch

Launch Scene Launchscene - Begin playback of all clips within the chosen scene.

Stop Scenes Stopscenes - Stop playback of all clips within the chosen scene.

Return To Arrangement Returntoarrangement - Switch the playback mode from clip launcher to arranger for all tracks.

Parameters - Callbacks Page

Project Name Projectname - A read only string providing the current Bitwig project name.

Callback DAT Callbackdat - A reference to the Text DAT containing the Bitwig Song COMP callback methods.

Print Callbacks Printcallbacks - When enabled, callback information will be printed to the text port as they are called.

Parameters - TDBitwig Page

TDBitwig Comp Tdbitwigcomp - A reference to the Bitwig Main COMP

Connect Connect - A toggle to manually enable or disable listeners associated with this COMP.

Debug Messages Debugmessages - Print information about extension method calls for the Component

Clear Chop Clearchop - Clear the channels in the OSC In CHOP

Strip CHOP Prefix Segments Stripchopprefixsegments - Strip off the given number of address segments in the output CHOP channel names

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Opens this documentation page

Version Version - The TDBitwig version that this Component is updated to

.tox Save Build Toxsavebuild - The TouchDesigner build version that this Component was saved in

Update Update - If the tdBitwigPackage COMP is present in the TouchDesigner project, pressing pulse will update this Component to the newest version

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 - A CHOP containing a channel for each listener property associated with this COMP
  • Output 1 - A CHOP providing tempo and transport information resembling the format of the Beat CHOP
  • Output 2 - A DAT table of Cue Marker information including names and timeline positions in quarter-note units
  • Output 3 - A DAT table of Scene information including the scene names
  • Output 4 - A DAT table providing the name and index of the most recent cue passed in playback

TouchDesigner Build:

Palette • Palette:arcBallCamera • Palette:arcBallGeometry • Palette:audioAnalysis • Palette:audioSet • Palette:battery • Palette:bitwigClip • Palette:bitwigClipSlot • Palette:bitwigDeviceRemotes • Palette:bitwigMain • Palette:bitwigNote • Palette:bitwigProjectRemotes • Palette:bitwigRemotesDevice • Palette:bitwigRemotesProject • Palette:bitwigRemotesTrack • Palette:bitwigSelect • Palette:bitwigSong • Palette:bitwigTrack • Palette:bitwigTrackRemotes • Palette:blendModes • Palette:bloom • Palette:camera • Palette:cameraBrowser • Palette:cameraViewport • Palette:camSchnappr • Palette:changeColor • Palette:changeToColor • Palette:checker • Palette:chromaKey • Palette:colorThreshold • Palette:compareComp • Palette:convolve • Palette:cornerPinSOP • Palette:cppParsTemplateGen • Palette:customAttributes • Palette:debugControl • Palette:dent • Palette:depthExtract • Palette:dilate • Palette:encoder • Palette:equalizer • Palette:feedback • Palette:feedbackEdge • Palette:firmata • Palette:gal • Palette:geoPanel • Palette:gestureCapture • Palette:graphPlot • Palette:histogram • Palette:hsvBlur • Palette:imageSearch • Palette:julia • Palette:kantanMapper • Palette:kinectCalibration • Palette:kinectPointcloud • Palette:leapPaint • Palette:lightTunnel • Palette:logger • Experimental:Palette:logger • Palette:mandelbrot • Palette:materialDesignIcons • Palette:mesh • Palette:monochrome • Palette:motionSense • Palette:movieEngine • Palette:moviePlayer • Palette:moviePlaylist • Palette:multiLevel • Palette:multiMix • Palette:noise • Palette:onScreenKeyboard • Palette:operatorPath • Palette:opticalFlow • Palette:particlesGpu • Palette:pixelate • Palette:pixelRelocator • Palette:pointGenerator • Palette:pointillize • Palette:pointMerge • Palette:pointRender • Palette:pointRepack • Palette:pointTransform • Palette:pointWeight • Palette:popDialog • Experimental:Palette:popDialog • Palette:probe • Palette:projectorBlend • Palette:pushPins • Palette:puzzle • Palette:quadReproject • Palette:radialBlur • Palette:recorder • Palette:remotePanel • Palette:rgbaBlur • Palette:rgbaDelay • Palette:rgbContrast • Palette:sceneChanger • Palette:search • Palette:searchReplace • Palette:sharpen • Palette:sickEngine • Palette:signalingClient • Palette:signalingServer • Palette:softenAlpha • Palette:solarize • Palette:sopRender • Palette:splitter • Palette:stitcher • Palette:stoner • Palette:superFormula • Palette:SVG • Palette:sweetSpot • Palette:sweetSpotPreviz • Palette:synchroCache • Palette:synchroClient • Palette:synchroFrameIn • Palette:synchroFrameOut • Palette:synchroNDIIn • Palette:synchroSDIIn • Palette:synchroVideoOut • Palette:tdBitwigPackage • Palette:TDVR • Palette:testGrid • Experimental:Palette:threadManagerClient • Experimental:Palette:threadsMonitor • Palette:transitMap • Palette:twirl • Palette:vectorScope • Palette:virtualFile • Palette:waveformMonitor • Palette:webBrowser • Palette:webRTC • Palette:webRTCPanel • Palette:webRTCPanelRcv • Palette:xyScope • Experimental:Thread Manager