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The bitwigSelect COMP enables users to retrieve channel information from the output CHOP of any Bitwig Component in a project. Component search can be filtered by the Object type, and once the ouput CHOP is selected, users can filter specific channels they are interested in. The selection of Components uses python references based on relative paths.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:bitwigSelect1 Ext

Parameters - Selection Page

Bitwig Comp Type Bitwigcomptype - - Filters the Selected Comp Menu to only display Bitwig Components of this type. Makes selection easier when you are aware of the type of Bitwig Component you are interested in. If 'All' is selected, no filtering occurs.
  • All All -
  • Song Song -
  • Track Track -
  • ClipLauncher ClipLauncher -
  • ProjectRemotes ProjectRemotes -
  • TrackRemotes TrackRemotes -
  • DeviceRemotes DeviceRemotes -
  • Note Note -

Select Relative to This Comp Selectrelativetothiscomp - Determines if the path to the selected Component will be relative to the bitwigMain COMP or this bitwigSelect COMP; if toggled on, the path will be relative to this bitwigSelect COMP. Paths relative to the bitwigMain COMP will be stable when the location of this bitwigSelect COMP changes, but will break if the location of the selected COMP changes. Paths relative to this bitwigSelect COMP will break if the location of either the selected COMP or the bitwigSelect COMP changes, but will be easier to read and allows users to drag and drop the desired COMP into the 'Selected COMP' parameter. The choice between relative to bitwigMain or bitwigSelect will generally be a trade-off between stability and ease-of-use.

Selectedcomp Selectedcomp - A string defining the relative path to the selected Bitwig Component.

Channel Names Channames - The names of the channels to keep. Supports pattern matching.

Use Channel Snapshot Usechannelsnapshot - Will switch the chop output to the last snapshotted channels. Using snapshot will be helpful when you want to ensure that CHOP channels outputted from this Component will be persistent.

Snapshot Snapshot - Snapshot the output CHOP channels of the currently selected Bitwig COMP.

Rename from Renamefrom - The names of the channels to rename. Supports pattern matching.

Rename to Renameto - The new names of the renamed channels. Supports pattern matching.

Parameters - TDBitwig Page

TDBitwig Comp Tdbitwigcomp - A reference to the Bitwig Main COMP

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Opens this documentation page

Version Version - The TDBitwig version that this Component is updated to

.tox Save Build Toxsavebuild - The TouchDesigner build version that this Component was saved in

Update Update - If the tdBitwigPackage COMP is present in the TouchDesigner project, pressing pulse will update this Component to the newest version

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 - The selected channels from the output CHOP of the selected Bitwig COMP

Palette • Palette:arcBallCamera • Palette:arcBallGeometry • Palette:audioAnalysis • Palette:audioSet • Palette:battery • Palette:bitwigClip • Palette:bitwigClipSlot • Palette:bitwigDeviceRemotes • Palette:bitwigMain • Palette:bitwigNote • Palette:bitwigProjectRemotes • Palette:bitwigRemotesDevice • Palette:bitwigRemotesProject • Palette:bitwigRemotesTrack • Palette:bitwigSelect • Palette:bitwigSong • Palette:bitwigTrack • Palette:bitwigTrackRemotes • Palette:blendModes • Palette:bloom • Palette:camera • Palette:cameraBrowser • Palette:cameraViewport • Palette:camSchnappr • Palette:changeColor • Palette:changeToColor • Palette:checker • Palette:chromaKey • Palette:colorThreshold • Palette:compareComp • Palette:convolve • Palette:cornerPinSOP • Palette:cppParsTemplateGen • Palette:customAttributes • Palette:debugControl • Palette:dent • Palette:depthExtract • Palette:dilate • Palette:encoder • Palette:equalizer • Palette:feedback • Palette:feedbackEdge • Palette:firmata • Palette:gal • Palette:geoPanel • Palette:gestureCapture • Palette:graphPlot • Palette:histogram • Palette:hsvBlur • Palette:imageSearch • Palette:julia • Palette:kantanMapper • Palette:kinectCalibration • Palette:kinectPointcloud • Palette:leapPaint • Palette:lightTunnel • Palette:logger • Experimental:Palette:logger • Palette:mandelbrot • Palette:materialDesignIcons • Palette:mesh • Palette:monochrome • Palette:motionSense • Palette:movieEngine • Palette:moviePlayer • Palette:moviePlaylist • Palette:multiLevel • Palette:multiMix • Palette:noise • Palette:onScreenKeyboard • Palette:operatorPath • Palette:opticalFlow • Palette:particlesGpu • Palette:pixelate • Palette:pixelRelocator • Palette:pointGenerator • Palette:pointillize • Palette:pointMerge • Palette:pointRender • Palette:pointRepack • Palette:pointTransform • Palette:pointWeight • Palette:popDialog • Experimental:Palette:popDialog • Palette:probe • Palette:projectorBlend • Palette:pushPins • Palette:puzzle • Palette:quadReproject • Palette:radialBlur • Palette:recorder • Palette:remotePanel • Palette:rgbaBlur • Palette:rgbaDelay • Palette:rgbContrast • Palette:sceneChanger • Palette:search • Palette:searchReplace • Palette:sharpen • Palette:sickEngine • Palette:signalingClient • Palette:signalingServer • Palette:softenAlpha • Palette:solarize • Palette:sopRender • Palette:splitter • Palette:stitcher • Palette:stoner • Palette:superFormula • Palette:SVG • Palette:sweetSpot • Palette:sweetSpotPreviz • Palette:synchroCache • Palette:synchroClient • Palette:synchroFrameIn • Palette:synchroFrameOut • Palette:synchroNDIIn • Palette:synchroSDIIn • Palette:synchroVideoOut • Palette:tdBitwigPackage • Palette:TDVR • Palette:testGrid • Experimental:Palette:threadManagerClient • Experimental:Palette:threadsMonitor • Palette:transitMap • Palette:twirl • Palette:vectorScope • Palette:virtualFile • Palette:waveformMonitor • Palette:webBrowser • Palette:webRTC • Palette:webRTCPanel • Palette:webRTCPanelRcv • Palette:xyScope • Experimental:Thread Manager