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The bitwigClipSlot COMP serves as an interface for controlling clip slot playback and receiving playback information of all clip slots for a given track. Users begin by choosing which track they are interested in; from there they can access the clip slots associated with that track, and subsequently decide to perform actions on a specific clip slot.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:bitwigClipSlot Ext

Parameters - Bitwig Clip Slot Page

Track Track - A read-only string providing the currently selected Track name.

Pin Track Pintrack - Indicates whether the current selection is pinned to the current track. If the selection is un-pinned, the selection will follow whatever track is currently selected in the Bitwig UI. If the selection is pinned, the selection will remain on the currently selected track independently of the Bitwig UI selection.

Prev Track Prevtrack - Will change the current selection to the previous track in the Bitwig UI.

Next Track Nexttrack - Will change the current selection to the next track in the Bitwig UI.

Make Visible In Arranger Makevisibleinarranger - If the selected track is currently out of the Bitwig Arranger view, pressing pulse will scroll the arranger window so that the selected track is brought into view.

Make Visible In Mixer Makevisibleinmixer - If the selected track is currently out of the Bitwig Mixer view, pressing pulse will scroll the mixer window so that the selected track is brought into view.

Select In Editor Selectineditor - Places the Bitwig Editor cursor on the currently selected track.

Select In Mixer Selectinmixer - Places the Bitwig Mixer cursor on the currently selected track.

Stop All Clips Stopallclips - Stops playback of clips for the selected track.

Clip Slot Clipslot - The index and name of the currently selected Clip Slot

Launch Launch - Launch the chosen clip slot

Select Select - Places the Bitwig Clip Launcher cursor on the chosen clip slot

Stop Stop - Stop the chosen clip slot's playback

Record Record - Begin recording on the chosen clip slot

Parameters - Callbacks Page

Enable Callbacks Enablecallbacks - Enables the clip launcher callbacks associated with this COMP.

Callback DAT Callbackdat - A reference to the Text DAT containing the callbacks for this COMP

Print Callbacks Printcallbacks - When enabled, callback information will be printed to the text port as they are called.

Parameters - TDBitwig Page

TDBitwig Comp Tdbitwigcomp - A reference to the Bitwig Main COMP

Connect Connect - A toggle to manually enable or disable listeners associated with this COMP.

Listener Index Listenerindex - The index of the Cursor object which this COMP is communicating with.

Debug Messages Debugmessages - Print information about extension method calls for the Component

Timeslice OSC Chop Timesliceoscchop - If timeslice is enabled, the OSC Chop will cook every frame. If disabled, OSC Chop will cook only during changes, but cook time may be longer. Using time slice for performance optimization will usually depend on the particular use case.

Strip CHOP Name Prefixes Stripchopnameprefixes - Strip off the given number of address segments in the output CHOP channel names

Name Channel Prefix Namechannelprefix - If enabled, the output CHOP channel names will include with the name of the currently selected Track object. Otherwise, the channel names will begin with the integer index of the Cursor this COMP is connected to.

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Opens this documentation page

Version Version - The TDBitwig version that this Component is updated to

.tox Save Build Toxsavebuild - The TouchDesigner build version that this Component was saved in

Update Update - If the tdBitwigPackage COMP is present in the TouchDesigner project, pressing pulse will update this Component to the newest version

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 - A CHOP containing a channel for each listener property associated with this COMP
  • Output 1 - A Table DAT providing information about all clip slots for the chosen Track. Includes the slot index, name, and if the slot contains any content
  • Output 2 - A Table DAT providing information about clip playback. Includes info about the currently playing clip as well as the clip queued for playback.

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