Palette:arcBallCamera Ext

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These Extensions reference a specific Palette:arcBallCamera.


The ArcBallExt Class helps with interactively controlling a Camera COMP given a Container COMP with the Mouse UV Buttons Parameters for left, middle and right enabled.


No operator specific members.


ArcBallExt.LoadTransform(dat=None, matrix=None)None:

Given a tableDAT or a tdu.Matrix() it can be used to recall a saved transformation.

  • dat - An tableDAT operator reference to the tableDAT that holds the matrix to be loaded.
  • matrix - A tdu.Matrix object that holds the matrix to be loaded.


Resets the ArcBall.


Will save out the current ArcBall's transformation matrix to a tableDAT. If no TableDAT is given, the internal newMat TableDAT is being used.

  • dat - A tableDAT operator reference to the tableDAT where to write the current transform matrix into.

ArcBallExt.StartTransform(btn=None, u=0, v=0)None:

Will begin a transform depending on the mouse button pressed.

  • btn - The mouse btn pressed. Can be one of 'lselect', 'rselect' or 'mselect' corrseponding to 'rotate', 'pan' and 'zoom'.
  • u - The horizontal mouse position on the control panel.
  • v - The vertical mouse position on the control panel.

ArcBallExt.Transform(btn=None, u=0, v=0, scaler=1)None:

Applies a transform to the ArcBall depending on the mouse button pressed.

  • btn - The mouse btn pressed. Can be one of 'lselect', 'rselect' or 'mselect' corrseponding to 'rotate', 'pan' and 'zoom'.
  • u - The horizontal mouse position on the control panel.
  • v - The vertical mouse position on the control panel.
  • scaler - A multiplier to increase or decrease the transformation.


Utility function used by the ArcBall.

TouchDesigner Build: