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JSONPath is a query language for JSON. JSONPath allows you to search and filter out specific elements from a JSON structure.
The JSON DAT support JSONPath querying via its JSONPath Filter parameter.
For an in-depth overview of syntax, as well as more examples, see: https://pypi.org/project/jsonpath-ng/
Consider the following JSON example for the examples in the table:
{ "school" : { "students": [ {"name": "Peter", "gender": "Male", "age": 20}, {"name": "Mary", "gender": "Female", "age": 22}, {"name": "Susan", "gender": "Female", "age": 29} ], "teachers": [ {"name": "William", "gender": "Male", "age": 33}, {"name": "John", "gender": "Male", "age": 38}, {"name": "Lucy", "gender": "Female", "age": 62} ] } }
Expression | Description | Example |
$ |
The root object or array. | $
.property or ['property'] |
Selects the property from the parent object. | $.school.students or $['school']['students'] selects the array of students.
[n] |
Selects the nth element from an array object. | $.school.students[0] selects the first student (ie. Peter).
[i,j,k,…] |
Selects object elements with the specified indices. | $.school['students','teachers'] selects the students and teachers.
..property |
Recursively searches for the specified property | $..students searches for the students array recursively from the root
* |
Selects everything in an array or object (wildcard). | $.school.students[0].* selects and returns all info about the first student (Peter, "Male", 20).
[start:end] |
Selects a range from an array. | $.school.students[1:3] selects students Mary and Susan
[:n] |
Selects the first n elements from an array. | $.school.students[:2] selects students Peter and Mary
[-n:] |
Selects the last n elements from an array | $.school.students[-1:] selects the student Susan
[?(expression)] |
Selects all elements in an array that satisfy the expression. | $.school['students', 'teachers'][?(@.age>25)] selects all students and teachers over the age of 25.
@ |
For use in expressions. Refers to the current element being processed. |