Experimental:SequenceBlock Class
The SequenceBlock class can be used to access the parGroups of a specific block (set of parGroups) in a sequence.
block = op('/add1').seq.point[3] # get the fourth block from the sequence named "iop"
print([parGroup for parGroup in block]) # print all the parGroups in the block
Note: use the parameter name without the sequence prefix.
→ int
(Read Only):
The numeric index of the block.
→ OP
(Read Only):
The OP to which this object belongs.
→ ParCollection
(Read Only):
An intermediate parameter collection object, from which a specific sequence parameter can be found.
Names do not include sequence info prefix.
n.seq.Info.blocks[2].par.Tx # raises exception if not foundn.seq.Info.blocks[2].parGroup['Tx'] #returns None if not found
→ ParGroupCollection
(Read Only):
An intermediate parameter collection object, from which a specific sequence parameter group can be found.
Names do not include sequence info prefix.
n.seq.Info.blocks[2].par.T # raises exception if not foundn.seq.Info.blocks[2].parGroup['T'] #returns None if not found
→ str
(Read Only):
Get or set the sequence block name parameter value. This is implemented as a specifically named parameter in each block. The name is also used to identify a block by string via Sequence[<block name>].
→ Par | None
(Read Only):
The parameter defining the name for this block, or None if there isn't one.
→ Sequence
(Read Only):
The sequence object this block belongs to.
→ None
Destroy the block of parameters.
TouchDesigner Build: