COMP Look Page

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Parameters - Look Page

The Color parameter page sets the panel's background, border, and disabled colors.

Background Color bgcolor - - RGB values for the background. (default: black (0,0,0))
  • Red bgcolorr -
  • Green bgcolorg -
  • Blue bgcolorb -

Background Alpha bgalpha - Set the alpha value for the background.

Background TOP top - Allows you to specify a TOP as the background for the panel.

TOP Fill topfill - - This menu specifies the way the Background TOP will fill the panel's background.
  • Stretch off -
  • Fill Width horizontal -
  • Fill Height vertical -
  • Fill Best best -
  • Native Resolution native -

TOP Smoothness topsmoothness - - This menu controls background TOP's viewer smoothness settings. In previous builds of TouchDesigner, this was always 'Mipmap Pixels', so old files will load with this setting whereas the default for new Panel COMP's is 'Interpolate Pixels'.
  • Nearest Pixel nearest - Uses nearest pixel or accurate image representation. Images will look jaggy when viewing at any zoom level other than Native Resolution.
  • Interpolate Pixels linear - Uses linear filtering between pixels. Use this to get TOP images in viewers to look good at various zoom levels, especially useful when using any Fill Viewer setting other than Native Resolution.
  • Mipmap Pixels mipmap - Uses mipmap filtering when scaling images. This can be used to reduce artifacts and sparkling in moving/scaling images that have lots of detail. When the input is 32-bit float format, only nearest filtering will be used (regardless of what is selected).

Border A bordera - - RGB values for border A color.
  • Red borderar -
  • Green borderag -
  • Blue borderab -

Border A Alpha borderaalpha - Alpha value for border A color.

Border B borderb - - RGBA values for border B color.
  • Red borderbr -
  • Green borderbg -
  • Blue borderbb -

Border B Alpha borderbalpha - Alpha value for border B color.

Left Border leftborder - What color the 2 left-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Left Border Inside leftborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Right Border rightborder - What color the 2 right-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Right Border Inside rightborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Bottom Border bottomborder - What color the 2 bottom-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Bottom Border Inside bottomborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Top Border topborder - What color the 2 top-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Top Border Inside topborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Border Over Children borderover - Draws the panel's borders on top of all children panels.

Disable Color dodisablecolor - Enable the use of a unique disable color below when the panel's Enable = Off.

Disable Color disablecolor - - RGB values for the disable color. (default: black (0,0,0))
  • Red disablecolorr -
  • Green disablecolorg -
  • Blue disablecolorb -

Disable Alpha disablealpha - Set the alpha value for the disable color.

Multiply RGB by Alpha multrgb - Multiplies the RGB channels by the alpha channel.

Composite composite - - Selects how the panel is composited with its siblings panels. See the Composite TOP for a description of the various composite methods.
  • Over over -
  • Under under -
  • Inside inside -
  • Outside outside -
  • Add add -
  • Subtract subtract -
  • Multiply multiply -

Opacity opacity - Allows you to control the transparency of the panel.