COMP Drag Page

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Parameters - Drag/Drop Page

Please refer to Drag-and-Drop for a full explanation on how Drag and Drop between Panel Components functions.

When Dragging This drag - - Specify if this Panel Component can be dragged.
  • Use Parent's Drag Settings dragparent - Follow the parent Panel Components Drag setting.
  • Legacy Drag System legacy - Allow Dragging for this Panel Component. Use the Paramters Drag Script, Drop Destination Script and Dropped Operator to control the behaviour.
  • Do Not Allow Drag dragno - Disallows Dragging for this Panel Component.

Drag Script dragscript - Specify a script that will be executed when starting to drag a Panel Component. Please refer to the Drag Script section of the Drag and Drop page.

Drop Destination Script dropdestscript - Specify a script that will be executed when the dragged Panel Component is dropped. A temporary network is created and the component (or the alternative operator specified in Dropped Component) is copied to this network. You can add or modify operators in this network. Please refer to the Drop Destination Script section of the Drag and Drop page.

Drop Types droptypescript - If a drop destination script is specified, you can also add a DAT table with a list of return types that the drop destination script will provide. Return types can be one of the op types (COMP,TOP,CHOP,SOP,MAT,DAT), channel, or supported filetypes. Please refer to the Drop Types section of the Drag and Drop page.

Dropped Operator paneldragop - The Dropped Component parameter is the easiest way to specify an alternative operator to drop. Note that this alternative operator must exist, otherwise the component itself will be dropped. The alternative is only used when dropping onto a network or control panel. Text pasted via dragging and dropping, or files saved via dropping onto the desktop, will still use the original.

On Dropping Into drop - - Specify if this Panel Component accepts items that are dropped onto it.
  • Use Parent's Drop Settings dropparent - Follow the parent Panel Components Drop setting.
  • Legacy Drop System legacy - Allow Dropping onto this Panel Component. Use the Paramter Drop Script to control the behaviour.
  • Do Not Allow Drop dropno - Disallows Dropping onto this Panel Component.

Drop Script dropscript - A component's Drop Script is run when you drop another component or an external file into that component. Please refer to the Drop Scripts - Text section of the Drag and Drop page.

Alternatively specify a Table DAT in the drop script field. TouchDesigner will automatically look for 2 columns in the table. The first column should indicate the data type and the second should indicate the Text DAT that holds the script to process that data type. Please refer to the Drop Script - Tables section of the Drag and Drop page.