COMP Children Page

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Parameters - Children Page

The Children parameter page controls aspects of the Panel's children alignment, size, and position.

Align align - - This menu allows you to specify how the children inside the Panel Component will be laid out. The options Layout Grid Rows, Layout Grid Columns and Match Network Nodes will scale the Panel Component's children to fit the Component. They use the Align Order of each of the children to determine the ordering of the children.
  • None none -
  • Left to Right horizlr -
  • Right to Left horizrl -
  • Top to Bottom verttb -
  • Bottom to Top vertbt -
  • Grid Rows gridrows -
  • Grid Columns gridcols -
  • Match Network Nodes nodes -

Spacing spacing - This is enabled by choosing any Align option other than None or Match Network Nodes. It defines the space between the children when they are being aligned.

Max per Line alignmax - This is enabled by choosing any Align option other than None, Layout Grid Horizontal, Layout Grid Vertical, or Match Network Nodes, and defines the maximum number of children placed in one row or column.

Margin margin - - The four fields allow you to specify the space that surrounds the Panel Component. The margin is the space between the Panel Component's border and the outer edge.

The Margin is defined in absolute pixels and does not stretch with the window, as a result margin is not reflected in the node's panel viewer but only when the parent is drawn in a floating window.

  • L marginl -
  • R marginr -
  • B marginb -
  • T margint -

Justify Mathod justifymethod - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified as a group or individually using the Jusitfy Horizontal / Vertical parameters below.
  • individual individual - Align all children individually, separately from each other.
  • Group group - Align all children as a group. First group all children into a bounding box, then align that box.

Justify Horizontal justifyh - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified horizontally.
  • Off off -
  • Left left -
  • Center center -
  • Right right -

Justify Vertical justifyv - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified vertically.
  • Off off -
  • Top top -
  • Center center -
  • Bottom bottom -

Fit fit - - This menu allows you to scale the panel's children. It overrides the Justify Horizontal and Justify Vertical parameters.
  • Off off -
  • Fit Width horizontal -
  • Fit Height vertical -
  • Fit Best best -

Scale scale - - Allows you to uniformly scale the Panel's children.
  • X scalex -
  • Y scaley -

Offset offset - - Allows you to offset the Panel's children. This parameter is overwritten by the Align, Justify Horizontal, and Justify Vertical parameters above.
  • X offsetx -
  • Y offsety -

Crop crop - - This menu determines if any children panels which are positioned partially or completely outside the panel component's dimensions get cropped.
  • Off (Use Parent) off -
  • On on -
  • Never never -

Horizontal Scrollbar phscrollbar - - Setting for horizontal scrollbar on this panel.
  • Off off - No scrollbar.
  • On on - Always include scrollbar.
  • Automatic auto - Include scrollbar only when child width is greater than this panel's width.

Vertical Scrollbar pvscrollbar - - Setting for vertical scrollbar on this panel.
  • Off off - No scrollbar.
  • On on - Always include scrollbar.
  • Automatic auto - Include scrollbar only when child height is greater than this panel's height.

Thickness scrollbarthickness - Set the thickness of the scrollbars in pixels.