BandeqCHOP Class

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This class inherits from the CHOP class. It references a specific Band EQ CHOP.


chanIndex (Read Only) me.chanIndex can be used in any parameter to give a different value for each channel being generated, for example [3, 4, 5][me.chanIndex].

sampleIndex (Read Only) The index of the current sample being evaluated.


No operator specific methods.

CHOP Class[edit]


As these attributes are dependent on each other, set the rate and start (or startTime) attributes, before the len, end (or endTime) attributes.

numChansint (Read Only):

The number of channels.

numSamplesint :

Get or set the number of samples (or indices) per channel. You can change the number of samples by setting this value, only in a scriptCHOP.

startfloat :

Get or set the start index of the channels. This can be modified only when the CHOP is a scriptCHOP.

endfloat :

Get or set the end index of the channels. This can be modified only when the CHOP is a scriptCHOP.

ratefloat :

Get or set the sample rate of the CHOP. This can be modified only when the CHOP is a scriptCHOP.

isTimeSlicebool :

Get or set the last cooked Time Slice value. True if the CHOP last cooked as a Time Slice. This can be modified only when the CHOP is a scriptCHOP

exportbool :

Get or set Export Flag.

exportChangesint (Read Only):

Number of times the export mapping information has changed.

isCHOPbool (Read Only):

True if the operator is a CHOP.



Channels may be easily accessed from a CHOP using the [] subscript operator.

  • nameOrIndex - Must be an exact string name, or it may be a numeric channel index. Wildcards are not supported. Refer to the help on channels to see how to use the returned Channel object.
    n = op('pattern1')
    c = n[4]
    c = n['chan2']
    and to get the third sample from the channel, assuming the channel has 3 or more samples:
    n = op('pattern1')
    c = n['chan2'][2]

chan(*nameOrIndex, caseSensitive=True)Channel | None:

Returns the first Channel that matches the given name or index or None if none are found.

Multiple patterns may be specified which are all added to the search.

  • nameOrIndex - May be a string name, possibly using Pattern Matching, or it may be a numeric channel index. You can provide multiple.
  • caseSensitive - (Optional) Specifies whether or not case sensitivity is used.
n = op('pattern1')
c = n.chan(4)
c = n.chan('chan*')
c = n.chan('chan3zall', caseSensitive=False)

chans(*nameOrIndex, caseSensitive=True)list:

Returns a (possibly empty) list of Channels that match that specified names or indices. Multiple names and indices may be provided.

  • nameOrIndex - (Optional) One or more string names, possibly using Pattern Matching, or numeric channel index. No arguments are passed, a list of all channels is returned.
  • caseSensitive - (Optional) Specifies whether or not case sensitivity is used.
n = op('pattern1')
newlist = n.chans() # get all channels in the CHOP
newlist = n.chans('a*', 3,4,5, 'd*')


Returns all of the channels in this CHOP a 2D NumPy array with a width equal to the channel length (the number of samples) and a height equal to the number of channels. See numPy.


Create an Animation COMP that contains a keyframed approximation of the CHOP's channels.

The resultant animationCOMP is returned.

  • tolerance - (Keyword, Optional) If this is not given, the default value is 0.1. It may be overridden for higher accuracy match between the source channels and the resulting keyframed channels.

save(filepath, createFolders=False)str:

Saves the channel to the file system. Supported file formats are .clip, .bclip, .chan, .bchan and .aiff.

Returns the file path used.

  • filepath - (Optional) The path and filename to save to.
  • createFolders - (Keyword, Optional) If True, it creates the not existent directories provided by the filepath.
n = op('pattern1')
name =   #save in native format with default name'output.chan')  #ascii readable tab delimited format'output.aiff')  #supported audio format